Saturday, February 02, 2008

New Study to Report - on the Freq of Occurance of Knot Clusters and Cord Complexity across the Khipus and their Constituent PGs of the AA Database


I used a computer program to compress the Pendant labels in the Ascher-Ascher Database to record whether a cord was simply a Pendant (P), Top Cord (T), Subsidiary (S), Etc).

There was some glitch in that program because many cords that were subsidiaries (S) were labeled (P) by my program, ultimately producing erroneous results... About 600 (!!) of those cords mislabeled as P rather than S had no knots!

That's an extremely important point as I was noting that most "S" cords appeared to NOT be blank!

-- so sorry folks, I'll correct the data (and cross check the data against the original AA data-tables listed on their site) and report back the corrected results -- Dennis

Hi folks,

After a several month "hiatus" from Khipu work (I had a number of important projects to work on for my "day job ...) I have a new study to report.

It considers the the frequency of occurance of:

(1) the number of knot clusters present on cords listed in the Ascher-Ascher database across the khipus cataloged there and more importantly their constituent PG groups, and

(2) the relative complexity (the presence and absence of large numbers of subsidiary cords and subsidiary cords of varying order) of the cords making up the khipus and their constituent PGs across the Ascher-Ascher database.

I was able to quantify, what can already be observed as one surveys the cords listed in the database. PGs tend to made up of cords with similar numbers of knot clusters and they tend to be made of cords with similar subsidiary cord complexity.

Thus PGs with similar knot and subsidiary cord complexities, even if they occur across different khipus could be assumed to communicate information in a similar way.

A surprise was that I found a _near complete absence_ of BLANK subsidiary cords in the AA database and that a full 70% of such subsidiary cords contained only 1 knot cluster. This could suggest a non-numerical purpose for use of subsidiary cords.

The complete report is given HERE.

The initial data table is given HERE.

And the results tables are given HERE.


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