Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Project: Seeking to Catagorize/Classify the Pendant Groups present on the Khipus of the Asher-Asher Database


Just to bring you up-to-date on my doings, I've embarked on the process of catagorizing the pendant groups present in the khipus of the Ascher-Ascher database.

I expect this to take me 1-2 months, and I'll report periodically on my progress.

I've decided to pursue this project because I've observed various forms of "color formatting" within the pendant groups of the khipus of this database.

That is, sometimes all the pendants of a particular pendant group are of the same color. At other times, the color sequence of the pendant chords within a pendant group is the same across several other pendant groups in a particular khipu. In both cases, color appears to have been used to "format" the information present.

As such, I'm seeking to catagorize the pendant groups present in the khipus of the Ascher-Ascher database, in order to better analysis of them in the future.



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